Saturday, April 25, 2009

Green Living Show

Toronto, Ontario - April 25, 2009 - Being Earth week, I decided to attend the annual Green Living Show at the Direct Energy Centre tonight. With tons of new innovative green products and services (including delicious organic foods), the centre was packed with eco-friendly people wanting to participate more and more. Among all the booths I came across a few that i was very pleased with. The first was a very LARGE booth that featured smaller booths around it showing different ways to become more environmentally friendly (ei. using bicycles instead of cars, new water treatment systems, solar energy etc.) Secondly, I loved the Urban Forest Experience they had which was composed of these very cool domes filled with information on how important our natural resources are.

Living Green-ovations was a great display of what the world today is doing for our world tomorrow. With amazing innovative ideas to help preserve our beautiful planet.
This is where you discover not only what’s new in the environmental movement, but also where it’s heading. The Living Green-Ovations Showcase, located front and centre at the show, will awe inspire you by its display of unique prototypes, newly marketed products and ground breaking information.

Lastly, I must say, the food section was very impressive and I did end up picking up some goodies for me... and for LOLA. For Natural Food choices for dogs and cats, I came across Ami Dog & Cat which is Nutritionally complete Vegan Cat and Dog Food. ( normally, this wouldn't really attract my attention until the person at the booth started explaining to me that,
pound for pound, beef production generates greenhouse gases that contribute more than 13 times as much to global warming as do the gases emitted from producing chicken. Beef consumption is rising rapidly, both as population increases and as people (and dogs) eat more meat. Producing the annual beef diet of the average American emits as much greenhouse gas as a car driven more than 1,800 miles!
I never would have thought that. (Not saying I'm going to go Vegan, but I will think about this fact when I purchase or eat meat now).

As for the food I picked up, i got a great deal for some amazing Indian Spices from a company called Arvinda's ( They have recipes with their spices in them on the website, so check it out!

I also picked up Organic Whole Grain Mustard by a company called Organic Gold ( which is distributed in a store called Culinarium that is located at Eglinton & Mount Pleasant. ( They feature Local Food Products, Cooking classes and wine & cheese tastings.

Lastly, after walking around so much, I got quite thirsty, so I stopped off at the Main Squeeze, where they make delicious organic lemonade. If you go to the show tomorrow, be sure to pick up one of these!

All in all, a great show to attend that will keep you busy for quite some time!

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