Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thank you Mac for being YOU.

Toronto, Ontario - April 1, 2009 - 4 years ago, I made a bold decision to switch from PC to Mac. I have now joined the group of once you go MAC, you never go back. Unfortunately this April Fool's day a nasty virus is planning an attack on PC users around the world. There are many things this virus can do to your computer if you get infected. It could delete all of the files on the CPU, use zombie PCs which are controlled by a master which could overwhelm and shut down Web sites or monitor a person's keyboard stroked to collect private information like passwords or bank account information.

Thankfully these days hackers are more greedy when it comes to viruses rather than just making someone's life miserable. Most likely, the virus will try to get people to buy fake software or spend money on other fake products.

To make sure your PC is safe, see if you are receiving automatic updates from Windows (specifically in March). If you have gotten this update, most likely you're computer will be fine.

People who have not gotten the latest Windows update go to:

As for Mac users, you can dis-regard all this info and enjoy April Fool's 2009.

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